May 21=Break out sessions begin at 9:00am EST, end at 5:30pm EST
May 22=Break out sessions begin at 9:00am EST & Opening Keynote Speaker 8:00pm EST
May 23=Break out sessions begin at 9:00am EST & Closing Keynote Speaker 9:00pm EST
Recordings will be emailed out to registered participants 48 hours after each session.
Types of Sessions:
Keynote, Lead Sessions, Featured Sessions, Panels: 60 Minutes
May 22=Break out sessions begin at 9:00am EST & Opening Keynote Speaker 8:00pm EST
May 23=Break out sessions begin at 9:00am EST & Closing Keynote Speaker 9:00pm EST
Recordings will be emailed out to registered participants 48 hours after each session.
Types of Sessions:
Keynote, Lead Sessions, Featured Sessions, Panels: 60 Minutes
Sunday May 22nd Sessions
Time and Link to Session
9:00am EST - 10:00am EST
1 SCECH Link to Session Recording Session Evaluation |
Title and Presenter
Coding...It’s Elementary!
Lori Banaszak Technology Integration Specialist for the Clarkston Community Schools Clarkston, Michigan @followinglb Moderator Amber White |
Resources for K-8 teachers to learn to code.
10:30am EST - 11:30am EST
1 SCECH Link to Session Recording Session Evaluation |
Making it Real
Margit Lanze Lower School Technology Catalyst Trinity Episcopal School Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area @mlanze Moderator Delia DeCourcy |
Have you ever wanted to give your students an interactive 4D experience but all you have available is a textbook with pictures? Have you ever wanted to show your students the beauty of far-away lands and cultures allowing them to navigate their own journey? If you said yes to one or the other, this session is for you. Through the use of augmented and virtual reality, you can enhance learning and engage your learners without ever leaving your classroom. (K-12) For an interactive experience, please download Aurasma, Elements 4D, Anatomy 4D, Augmented Reality Freedom Stories, AR Circuits, Google Earth, Google Street View
, VR Cities, NY TVR, and Jaunt VR from the AppStore or Google Play. Most are available on either platform. Look for the phone app, if the iPad or tablet app is not available. |
12:00pm EST - 1:00pm EST
1 SCECH Link to Session Recording Session Evaluation |
Using Google Earth and Maps in the Classroom
Alyssa Marcangelo French Immersion Teacher (Elementary) Detroit Country Day Detroit, Michigan @ammarcangelo Moderator Liz Kolb |
Are you seeking opportunities to travel the globe with your students without leaving the classroom? Google Earth and Google Maps are the perfect tools to take your students on adventurous virtual field trips that are more than just looking at pictures on a screen. We will look at different ways to create dynamic lessons and activities that promote the understanding and exploration of other cultures and exciting places around the globe. Examples for lessons and activities are appropriate for all grade levels and content areas with an emphasis on foreign language. *If you would like to try some of these activities with us during the session, please download Google Earth for free prior to the presentation.
1:30pm EST - 2:30pm EST
1 SCECH Link to Session Recording Session Evaluation |
Kids and Coding
Amy Quinn 1st Grade teacher Gretchko Elementary School West Bloomfield Michigan @aquinn123 Moderator Kristin Fontichiaro |
Are you “Crazy for Coding” and looking for more or maybe just starting and looking where to begin. Join this session “Coding in Elementary” and learn how to take students, even as young as kindergarten, on a coding adventure that will be sure to engage and energize their learning! Take your students from technology consumers to technology producers. Learn basic coding principles with a focus on problem solving, logical thinking, collaboration and communication. Classroom examples and “unplugged” activities will be shown from, Ozobot, Dot and Dash, scratch Jr & Lego WeDo!
3:00pm EST - 4:00pm EST
1 SCECH Link to Session Recording Session Evaluation |
Authentic Research, Authentic Writing
Janet Neyer English and Psychology Teacher Cadillac High School Cadillac, Michigan @janetneyer Sharon Murchie High School ELA Teacher Bath, Michigan @smurchies Moderator Amber White |
As teachers of 21st century skills, the questions we ask students should be different from those we were asked as students. Furthermore, how students approach the internet should be different. We should encourage students to read the internet critically as they would a complex text. Ultimately, the research they do and what they produce should look different as well. We want our students to record what they find and respond to their findings in authentic, meaningful ways. We’ll share what we have created and how our students are adding their research findings to the conversation online.
4:30pm EST - 5:30pm EST
1 SCECH Link to Session Recording Session Evaluation |
Little Kids Can Redefine Their Learning?!
Brooke Stidham 1st Grade Teacher Ann Arbor STEAM Elementary Ann Arbor, Michigan @MrsStid Moderator Sarah Godek |
iPads are a wonderful tool in the classroom, but are you ready to use them for more than routine practice and gaming apps? See how a 1st grade classroom is using iPads to redefine student learning. These young students are creating digital learning portfolios to share with others, iMovies to raise social awareness, and writing digital books. Examples and apps appropriate for all levels of the SAMR continuum for K-2 classrooms (and beyond).
4:30pm EST - 5:30pm EST
1 SCECH Link to Session Recording Session Evaluation |
The Spiral Approach
Kim Garber High School Science Teacher Pathways to Success Ann Arbor, Michigan @garbtech Moderator Jonathan White |
The goal of this virtual session is to share a process and framework to experience learning in an active, engaged and inquiry based manner while incorporating technology. This approach has been utilized for a wide range of abilities, including at risk students, and promotes lifelong learning and exploration.
8:00pm EST - 9:00pm EST
1 SCECH Link to Session Recording Session Evaluation |
Early literacy and communication with digital devices.