2016 Featured Speakers
Our featured presenters are invited by the committee because their past presentations at the 4T Virtual Conference received rave reviews! Don't miss these wonderful sessions!
Margit Lanze
Lower School Technology Catalyst Trinity Episcopal School Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area @mlanze |
Amanda Dawes
Topic: "how we FIGURE I.T. OUT" Dean of Technology Integration (9-12) Donna Klein Jewish Academy Boca Raton, FL @abrooke13 |
Alyssa Marcangelo
French Immersion Teacher (Elementary) Detroit Country Day Detroit, Michigan @ammarcangelo |
Amy Quinn
Topic: Kids and Coding 1st Grade teacher Gretchko Elementary School West Bloomfield Michigan @aquinn123 |
Adam Hellebuyck
High School Social Studies Teacher University Ligget School Grosse Pointe, Michigan @adamhellebuyck |
Sharon Murchie
High School ELA Teacher Bath, Michigan @smurchies |